The “Structure” Movie Poster Series by Antonio Holguin
Antonio Holguin is a fantastically talented artist based in Washington. He’s done remarkable work in the form of “Movie Posters” for a series of Great Observatories, which you can see here. Here, we proudly showcase Antonio’s recent work on Lynx.
The “Flight” Desktop Wallpaper Series
These backdrops are kindly provided by Dr. Bart Ripperda (Princeton University & Flatiron Institute). They are real general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GR MHD) simulations of (left) an accretion flow onto a black hole and (right) a current sheet with a cascade of plasmoids. Read more about Dr. Ripperda’s incredible work here.
The “Horizon” Social Media Avatar
The “Horizon” Desktop Wallpaper
This stunning black hole render — custom for Lynx — was created by the incredibly talented CG artist Niko Maisuradze. You can check out his beautiful work here.
The “Engines” Social Media Avatar
The “Engines” Desktop Wallpaper
This backdrop is from a stunning suite of simulations by Dr. Evan Schneider (Princeton University). It is also featured on the cover of our Final Report.
The “Engines” Animated Wordmark
.MOV files of the above animated wordmark are available in 4K resolution as well as in 1080p.
The "Launch" Social Media Avatar
The "Launch" Desktop Wallpaper
While we don’t provide all of them here, we are happy to provide the above images in any custom resolution or format that you would like (e.g. 5K 16:9 wallpapers, iPhone wallpapers, etc.). To request a custom design, please contact Grant Tremblay (grant.tremblay @
"Legacy" Campaign Posters
These are designed to be printed at "movie poster size", i.e. 27" x 41".
"Void" Campaign Teaser Materials
Lynx Wordmarks & Logos
The official Lynx Logo
Powerpoint & Keynote Templates
Available upon request.